The “Transformers” series was created and first presented in the Lviv Palace of Arts in 2010. It was created seemingly by accident, as is often the case in history. There were no more large canvases in the studio, and only small canvas-stretchers were left. Yet, inspiration cannot wait; it is eager to burst out, so the artist used what he had. He created one work, then the second – it seemed all very well, but the format was unusual and the painting did not speak in its full voice. Then, he put two paintings side by side, changed their places, then again, and... they came together like solitaire. The artist touched all of them with a brush uniting them into a whole, and Transformer 1 was ready. Yet, it can be disassembled. Each individual canvas is a painting, and several paintings together “work” as well. In a way, it is similar to the clipping technique used by an American painter, Helen Frankenthaler – Robert Motherwell’s wife: she ensured the compositional unity of a picture by clipping out forms and parts of the canvas that in her opinion did not work and then painted gathering everything together.
Olesya Avramenko, Art Critic, Kyiv